Then we went and saw lots and lots of animals. We didn't get many pictures of that. But after that we road the carousel and that was super fun.
Then there were the tractors. Keegan's goal right from the beginning was to see a ton of tractors. So we started with white ones and worked our way to the John Deeres...we even got to try sitting in an excavator and a bulldozer! Keegan's favorites!
We even saw some really old tractors.
After that it was time to visit the Kidway and give Keegan his first experience on some awesome rides. I had to go with him on three out of the four rides, but they were actually kind of fun. The first ride we rode were some race cars. Believe it or not we got put in a Kodak Race car; I was like geez give me a break.
Then after that Keegan rode his first ever ride all by himself. It was another car ride; but this one had really annoying loud horns...which of course Keegan loved.
Then Keegan and I went on the airplane ride. That was another fun one. Although the airplanes weren't made for anyone over 5 feet to actual squeeze in there.
Last ride was the pirate ship. Lyle and I tried to talk him out of this one; we thought it looked like a bit much. But Keegan persisted. So, in we went. Below you can see the progression of facial expressions. They start out unsure, go to concerned, and then end up at fullout upset. He decided afterwards that he didn't like pirate ships so much.
So there you go. It was a nice brisk sunny August morning at the MN state fairs. I am hoping next year we can skip the tractors and spend a bit more time looking at the horsies and the pet building. But Keegan thought we covered all of the perfect things!
Looks like you guys had a good time. I know Lucas enjoyed some of the rides as well this year. Of course Lucas was all about the Giant Slide, the Rainbow playhouse displays, and the milk booth. LOL
Oh yeah, we definitely hit the Rainbow playhouse displays. And, I don't know about you guys, but we had to stop at at least a dozen tractors to that Keegan could climb into them and "drive" them.
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