Look at that looonngg tongue!
Here is Keegan feeding the cracker!
The giraffe must have really liked the cracker!
After feeding giraffes we went to the farm and fed the goats. There was definitely a feeding theme going on here. The highlight of the farm for Keegan wasn't the goats though; it was the HUGE tractor he got to sit on. Keegan is a big fan of all "Things that go!" I can't even count the number of different truck, car, tractor, and airplane books that we have gone through at the library. The library even caters to this fetish by having a large "Things That Go" display set up.
Driving the Tractor
Feeding the Goats
Feeding the Goats Made Keegan a Little Nervous!
Then of course we had to ride the big pull tractor back to the main part of the zoo. This got some clapping from Keegan.
Keegan was getting tired so he took a ride on mommy's shoulders. Daddy actually carried him most of the time though.
We got to see the tigers up close. This one was playing with a large stick.
Then, of course, no trip to the MN zoo is complete without a ride on the giant mosquito! Which, in a way, stays with the feeding theme.
Then we had to stay with the feeding theme and share a chocolate covered caramel apple before we left the zoo!
All in all a great trip! I will cover are other great outings in another post. I hope this finds you all well!
Between the zoo and the science museum, it looks like you guys have been having a lot of fun!!!
We sure have been. In fact we've been funning ourselves practically to death :-) We need a break this weekend :-)
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