"The sun is a mass of incandescent gas."
Lyle is shaking his head. Then the following conversation ensues; while Keegan is in back "reading" his hockey magazine and belting out the chorus line above.
Me: What's wrong?
Lyle: The sun isn't made of gas it's made of plasma.
Me: Well maybe they couldn't think of anything to rhyme with plasma.
Lyle: Miasma rhymes with plasma.
Me: (rolling my eyes)
Lyle: What?! It does.
Then the songs ends and the next song starts up.
"The sun is a miasma of incandescent plasma. Don't listen to what we told you before."
I die laughing.
Me: You've listened to this CD before.
Lyle: (shakes his head) Wow, that is just weird.
Me: It's like they read your mind.
Lyle: I guess great minds think alike.
I could not believe that they were signing about miasma rhyming with plasma; I mean come on what are the chances. It was just absolutely unbelievable.
Anyway it is an awesome CD, if you have kids check it out. I mean where else to they sign a song about chemical elements where "Elephants are made of elements". The teacher was pretty impressed at daycare when Keegan told her we are all mainly made out of Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. Lots of fun songs on here ranging from chemistry, to space, to electric cars, to paleontologists.