Today we got up and ran to Target to get more diapers. See, even halfway across the country we can't stay away :-) We do love our Target.
Then we went playing at the park in Balboa Park. We meet a couple other two year olds (and their parents) and Keegan played with them until the Fleet Science Center opened.
The Reuben Fleet Science Center was a disappointment. Mainly because we have a way cooler science place at the Science Museum of MN. There was a place at the Science Center here called the Kids Zone. Think the Minneapolis Children's Museum but shrunk down to one room; with only a fraction of the toys. That was the Kid Zone. We did the whole museum in about 40 minutes. Then we were struggling with what to do next. We went over and visited the Lily Pond area and then screwed around until the Model Railroad Museum opened. The Model Railroad Museum is the biggest one in the world and is pretty darn cool. We had a really good time here. The model railroad displays are huge (think just one landscaping/train model taking up many rooms of space). It was pretty amazing. Keegan got a real kick out of that. He also got a Thomas the Train car for his train set; which he thought was even cooler.
After that we ate lunch at Prado in Balboa Park. It's very upscale and Keegan was very tired. It all worked out okay though. He ended up whining a little in the beginning but mellowed out as the meal went on. Thank goodness there were no tantrums or throwing of food. After that is was back to the house for naptime.
Well, today Keegan decided that there wasn't going to be a naptime. So after fighting with him for an hour and a half...we gave up. We decided to walk back down to Pacific Beach. There was a clothing store I wanted to hit on the way down there (I swear this is the first clothing shopping I've done). Then we were going to hit the self-serve yogurt place on the way back.
We stopped by the clothing store Pink Zone. It was a fairly big, boutique-like store. Tons of neat clothing and super cheep. I didn't see a single thing for sale in there over $20. I was in heaven. Tons of t-shirts in funky materials and wonderful summer dresses. I had to try stuff on. So while Lyle suffered through amusing Keegan through my one and only clothing stop on this trip....I tried on six or seven things. Ended up with a very cute tiered sweater and two summer dresses for $40. I was pleased and finally felt fulfilled, having bought some items of clothing in San Diego :-)
Then we left to go down to the beach. Oh my god did we have a good time at the beach. We took off our shoes and rolled up our pants (well we just took Keegan's pants off). We built sand castles and made our own little chain of great lakes. Keegan was really scared of the big waves coming in at first. But then he threw caution to the wind and we had to watch him to make sure he didn't go in too far. Pacific beach has a very gradual grade; so it looks like the water is water out there and then all of the sudden it rushes up the beach 20 or 30 feet. So Keegan wanted to fill his bucket up with water and he would run out to get the water...then all of the sudden he was standing in 6 inches of water (a lot when you are only 3 feet tall). Once so much water came in he got knocked over right onto his butt. Then we realized that we didn't have anymore diapers packed...oops. We were at the beach forever. We chased seagulls, and made ponds, and threw sand, and had a great time. Oh...did I mention that it was only 68 degrees outside and the water temp was probably in the 50's...
Finally Keegan was turning blue and so was I; so after over an hour of fun we decided it was time to go get diapers and ice cream. We stopped at a drugstore to pick up some diapers. Yes, Keegan was wearing his jacket as a top and his jeans with no diaper. We told him no pee pee until he had a diaper on. Guess what, he listened. So we got the diaper on him and then went to a frozen yogurt place for afternoon snack. We are loving the frozen yogurt places out here. They charge you by the ounce. There are like 15 different kinds of self-serve frozen yogurt and then you get unlimited toppings. So for 30 cents an ounce you get a two-pint bucket to fill as you like....if you do the math it ended up being like $6 for Lyle and I to get a couple quarts of yummy goodness. It is soooo much cheaper than Cold Stone and so much yummier. I got kiwis, strawberries, blueberries, and sprinkles on my :-)
Then on the way back to the house Keegan feel asleep in his stroller. We left him sleep in the stroller on the patio while I ran in to heat up a pizza for dinner (hey, it's vacation we can eat all the crap we want...right!?) Then Kee woke up in time for dinner. We ate pizza and strawberries out on the patio while cookies baked in the oven. Then we ate warm cranberry oatmeal cookies while playing kickball under the setting sun. It was a wonderful day :-) Really we have been doing a ton of running and walking so I think ice cream, pizza, and cookies are all justified.
Keegan has been having a blast and so have we. I am not looking forward to coming home to all that snow!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
San Diego Vacation continued.....
So after our Sea World adventures on Sunday, in the afternoon we went over to Seaport Village near Downtown San Diego. This is a cute little touristy place all done up like an old time Seaport Village. We had dinner at a good seafood place and then walked around some. We got to watch a guy juggle, and got some ice cream. Then Keegan and Lyle road the carousel. The carousel was really cool; I will put some pics up later. Then back to the house for bed time.
Monday morning we got up and went on a North Harbor tour. That really didn't go well. Keegan was super excited to get on the boat but then when the boat started to pull out of the bay he freaked out. He kept saying he was scared and he was "All done" and he "wanted off". Unfortunately the tour went for an hour. Half way through we finally bought Keegan off with a bag of Cheetos which kept him quiet for 20 minutes or so. By the time Keegan was done screaming and whining none of us wanted to be on the boat anymore. When we got back to harbor we took off and put Mr. Crabby down for a nap.
After naptime it was down to La Jolla. We had a very yummy lunch on a patio overlooking the ocean. Then we walked down to the sandstone beach by the ocean and hiked around. Then it was down to the cove area where there were some sea lions sunning themselves. The sand by the cove was really nice so we took our shoes off and waded in. The water is still only around 50oF; so it was pretty chilly. There were some good sized waves coming in and Keegan loved those. He would get all tense and jump up and down and then when the wave hit he would scream and laugh. He had a super fun time; we all did. Then on the way back through the park we meet a family from New Hampshire and played football with them for a while. Then we walked through the stores and went into a candy store. Keegan scored some candy fruit slices and a sucker...and a balloon. He was in heaven.
We drove back to our townhouse and made hot dogs on the grill. It was so beautiful outside. We stayed out and blew bubbles and played ball until it got dark.
The next day was Zoo day! We got to the San Diego Zoo at 9am and stayed there until 1:30pm. It's really a great zoo. The park is amazing , it is so fun to walk around. The exhibits are really well done and the animals look happy and in great shape. We road the Skyfari (cable tram over the park) and Keegan thought that was cool. So he doesn't mind flying through the air on a cable but sitting on a big boat is scary go figure. Keegan spent a lot of time telling the animals to "Wake Up!!" if they weren't moving fast enough for him.
The Zoo is just amazing; we only got through about 2/3's of it the first day. They have some really cool averys and also a huge reptile display that Keegan loved. Funny thing was that the statues and benches were just as much fun for Keegan as the animals. There was even an area where we got to pet goats and sheep. Then it was time to go back home and take a nap.
After nap was over we left to scout out a good sushi restaurant for dinner. We found a nice one within walking distance of our house. They even had a highchair; kind of unusual for the restaurants in that area (Since it is kind of a nightclub district). Kwegan chowed down his (my) Philadelphia roll and ate some of Lyle's Katsu-don. It ended up actually not costing us a ton either. I also got a special Maki roll called a Fire Fire roll and it came with part of the plate set on fire. Keegan thought that was super cool :-)
On to today. We went in the morning and finished up the Zoo. The 15 minute ride to the zoo was filled with a lot of commenting from Keegan. From the back of the car he yelled "I see animals!" for 5 minutes...then it was on to "I love monkeys" for 5 minutes. We finished the ride with screams of "I love elephants" echoing through the car. It was again a lot of fun. The elephant trainer was working with one of the elephants and we got to see some elephant tricks. The giraffe and koalas were just being fed so we got to watch them eating which was fun. Then Keegan got to get up close and personal with a Lynx and a cougar. Since most of the animals were awake this time Keegan's new phrase was "Kitty, get in the water!"
After leaving the Zoo we went to Balboa park with intention of going to the science center and eating lunch. The only place that was open was the Japanese Tea House by the Japanese Friendship garden. So we ate lunch there and then decided to tour the Friendship Garden. After that Kee was getting tired. So we decided to do the other museums later. On the way home we stopped by Mission Bay Park. Mission Bay Park has a million play structures and Keegan made friends with a little boy who took Keegan on a tour of every single one. After this Keegan was *really* tired and it was time to come back and take nap.
This afternoon we went out to Coronado Island. We had a good dinner and then walked down Coronado beach to big Hotel Del Coronado. Then we walked up and down Orange Ave and got some frozen yogurt. There are some really beautiful houses out here and the beach was absolutely amazing! Then back home and too bed (for Keegan at least).
Tomorrow the plan is to hit Balboa park first thing and tour the Rueben Fleet Science Museum and the Model Railroad Museum and maybe a couple other places. We'll see how it all works out.
So far vacation has been wonderful :-) Keegan makes so many friends with everyone he meets!
Monday morning we got up and went on a North Harbor tour. That really didn't go well. Keegan was super excited to get on the boat but then when the boat started to pull out of the bay he freaked out. He kept saying he was scared and he was "All done" and he "wanted off". Unfortunately the tour went for an hour. Half way through we finally bought Keegan off with a bag of Cheetos which kept him quiet for 20 minutes or so. By the time Keegan was done screaming and whining none of us wanted to be on the boat anymore. When we got back to harbor we took off and put Mr. Crabby down for a nap.
After naptime it was down to La Jolla. We had a very yummy lunch on a patio overlooking the ocean. Then we walked down to the sandstone beach by the ocean and hiked around. Then it was down to the cove area where there were some sea lions sunning themselves. The sand by the cove was really nice so we took our shoes off and waded in. The water is still only around 50oF; so it was pretty chilly. There were some good sized waves coming in and Keegan loved those. He would get all tense and jump up and down and then when the wave hit he would scream and laugh. He had a super fun time; we all did. Then on the way back through the park we meet a family from New Hampshire and played football with them for a while. Then we walked through the stores and went into a candy store. Keegan scored some candy fruit slices and a sucker...and a balloon. He was in heaven.
We drove back to our townhouse and made hot dogs on the grill. It was so beautiful outside. We stayed out and blew bubbles and played ball until it got dark.
The next day was Zoo day! We got to the San Diego Zoo at 9am and stayed there until 1:30pm. It's really a great zoo. The park is amazing , it is so fun to walk around. The exhibits are really well done and the animals look happy and in great shape. We road the Skyfari (cable tram over the park) and Keegan thought that was cool. So he doesn't mind flying through the air on a cable but sitting on a big boat is scary go figure. Keegan spent a lot of time telling the animals to "Wake Up!!" if they weren't moving fast enough for him.
The Zoo is just amazing; we only got through about 2/3's of it the first day. They have some really cool averys and also a huge reptile display that Keegan loved. Funny thing was that the statues and benches were just as much fun for Keegan as the animals. There was even an area where we got to pet goats and sheep. Then it was time to go back home and take a nap.
After nap was over we left to scout out a good sushi restaurant for dinner. We found a nice one within walking distance of our house. They even had a highchair; kind of unusual for the restaurants in that area (Since it is kind of a nightclub district). Kwegan chowed down his (my) Philadelphia roll and ate some of Lyle's Katsu-don. It ended up actually not costing us a ton either. I also got a special Maki roll called a Fire Fire roll and it came with part of the plate set on fire. Keegan thought that was super cool :-)
On to today. We went in the morning and finished up the Zoo. The 15 minute ride to the zoo was filled with a lot of commenting from Keegan. From the back of the car he yelled "I see animals!" for 5 minutes...then it was on to "I love monkeys" for 5 minutes. We finished the ride with screams of "I love elephants" echoing through the car. It was again a lot of fun. The elephant trainer was working with one of the elephants and we got to see some elephant tricks. The giraffe and koalas were just being fed so we got to watch them eating which was fun. Then Keegan got to get up close and personal with a Lynx and a cougar. Since most of the animals were awake this time Keegan's new phrase was "Kitty, get in the water!"
After leaving the Zoo we went to Balboa park with intention of going to the science center and eating lunch. The only place that was open was the Japanese Tea House by the Japanese Friendship garden. So we ate lunch there and then decided to tour the Friendship Garden. After that Kee was getting tired. So we decided to do the other museums later. On the way home we stopped by Mission Bay Park. Mission Bay Park has a million play structures and Keegan made friends with a little boy who took Keegan on a tour of every single one. After this Keegan was *really* tired and it was time to come back and take nap.
This afternoon we went out to Coronado Island. We had a good dinner and then walked down Coronado beach to big Hotel Del Coronado. Then we walked up and down Orange Ave and got some frozen yogurt. There are some really beautiful houses out here and the beach was absolutely amazing! Then back home and too bed (for Keegan at least).
Tomorrow the plan is to hit Balboa park first thing and tour the Rueben Fleet Science Museum and the Model Railroad Museum and maybe a couple other places. We'll see how it all works out.
So far vacation has been wonderful :-) Keegan makes so many friends with everyone he meets!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
San Diego - getting there
Getting to San Diego went pretty well. Keegan was wonderful at the airport and loved watching the planes. He had a mini melt down when daddy got on the plane before us to put the carseat in. He didn't want daddy to leave him. Then we were shortly on the plane and they asked Keegan if he wanted to go up and visit the pilot in the cockpit. How cool is that? So Kee and I went up there and they let him look at all the neat buttons and even made some lights flash for him; he even got a pair of wings :-) Keegan didn't know what to say. He just sat there with his mouth hanging open.
The plane ride went well too. He slept for about an hour then spent 40 minutes watching the DVD player. Then he played peek-a-boo with a teenage girl sitting in front of us for 20 minutes. She was bored and thought he was cute; so thank God for bored teenage girls. Then we turned the lights on and off for 10 minutes, read the Hungry Caterpillar I think 10 times. By this time we were sweating it cause we hit turbulence and everyone had to sit down. As Keegan got strapped into his carseat, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and his chin quivering and said "Mama, I am all done. I wanna' go home!" Well that made me feel like a real heel...
When we got there we had to collect luggage; Keegan and I went and checked out some of the local sculpture in the airport while daddy waited. Then we had to take a shuttle to the rental car place. The rental car place was horrible. We waited in line for almost an hour. I stood out with the luggage and Keegan ran back and forth between Lyle and me. All was well until a plane came in to land; the planes come right over the car rental place and were really loud. I thought it was kind of cool; but it scared the stuffing out of Keegan. He wouldn't come outside to stand with me after that; thank goodness Lyle was up to the rental counter by then.
We got to our townhouse without much issue. The townhouse is fine. It's a little noisy cause we are near a major road; but it quieted down around 10pm last night. It has a nice outdoor patio area and a computer which I am currently typing on.
This morning we walked down to the beach/playground. Keegan had a great time swimming and then spent 20 minutes trying to get the sand from the beach back into the ocean. After that we chased pigeons. I kid you not, Keegan was determined to catch a pigeon. This ended when Keegan tripped and scrapped his elbow and said "The birdie run away" in a very dejected tone. Then we met two doggies on a walk with their owner and Keegan played with them for a while. Then on the way back we ran into a lady walking her two greyhounds. So we talked to her for awhile. She commented on how great Keegan was with the the dogs and what a happy boy he is :-)
Then back to the house to pack things up. We drove to Target to get some stuff and then it was over to Sea World for some fun. This Sea World wasn't as big or impressive as the one in Orlando; it had a nice play area for kids though. Keegan got scared in the shark encounters exhibit and then when we went to go into the Sesame Street Live theater he lost his mind. He said "no, no, no, it's dark. I don't wanna' do it." As his protest started to escalate to higher and higher volumes we decided to leave. After all Lyle and I didn't really care about watching Elmo anyway. So it was off to the play area. Keegan really wanted to run through the punching bag maze but he was too short; this resulted in another meltdown (making me wonder where the happy boy from the morning went). So we left and came back to the house. Keegan should be sleeping as I type.
So far so good. The weather is wonderful. It's been cloudy but it was 60oF when we woke up and climbed to around 70oF. Way nicer than the weather we left :-)
The plane ride went well too. He slept for about an hour then spent 40 minutes watching the DVD player. Then he played peek-a-boo with a teenage girl sitting in front of us for 20 minutes. She was bored and thought he was cute; so thank God for bored teenage girls. Then we turned the lights on and off for 10 minutes, read the Hungry Caterpillar I think 10 times. By this time we were sweating it cause we hit turbulence and everyone had to sit down. As Keegan got strapped into his carseat, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and his chin quivering and said "Mama, I am all done. I wanna' go home!" Well that made me feel like a real heel...
When we got there we had to collect luggage; Keegan and I went and checked out some of the local sculpture in the airport while daddy waited. Then we had to take a shuttle to the rental car place. The rental car place was horrible. We waited in line for almost an hour. I stood out with the luggage and Keegan ran back and forth between Lyle and me. All was well until a plane came in to land; the planes come right over the car rental place and were really loud. I thought it was kind of cool; but it scared the stuffing out of Keegan. He wouldn't come outside to stand with me after that; thank goodness Lyle was up to the rental counter by then.
We got to our townhouse without much issue. The townhouse is fine. It's a little noisy cause we are near a major road; but it quieted down around 10pm last night. It has a nice outdoor patio area and a computer which I am currently typing on.
This morning we walked down to the beach/playground. Keegan had a great time swimming and then spent 20 minutes trying to get the sand from the beach back into the ocean. After that we chased pigeons. I kid you not, Keegan was determined to catch a pigeon. This ended when Keegan tripped and scrapped his elbow and said "The birdie run away" in a very dejected tone. Then we met two doggies on a walk with their owner and Keegan played with them for a while. Then on the way back we ran into a lady walking her two greyhounds. So we talked to her for awhile. She commented on how great Keegan was with the the dogs and what a happy boy he is :-)
Then back to the house to pack things up. We drove to Target to get some stuff and then it was over to Sea World for some fun. This Sea World wasn't as big or impressive as the one in Orlando; it had a nice play area for kids though. Keegan got scared in the shark encounters exhibit and then when we went to go into the Sesame Street Live theater he lost his mind. He said "no, no, no, it's dark. I don't wanna' do it." As his protest started to escalate to higher and higher volumes we decided to leave. After all Lyle and I didn't really care about watching Elmo anyway. So it was off to the play area. Keegan really wanted to run through the punching bag maze but he was too short; this resulted in another meltdown (making me wonder where the happy boy from the morning went). So we left and came back to the house. Keegan should be sleeping as I type.
So far so good. The weather is wonderful. It's been cloudy but it was 60oF when we woke up and climbed to around 70oF. Way nicer than the weather we left :-)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Almost time...
It's almost time to go on vacation. I am really looking forward to it...kind of.
Okay let's back up for a second. Keegan turned 2 yrs old on Feb. 6th. We had the grandparents over for a little party. We decided not to do a bigger one because; well I have enough on my plate getting ready for our vacation and we really, really don't need anymore toys around the house. Also, Keegan really doesn't care right now and I bet in a couple years he really will care.
So back to the vacation. Anyone notice how stressful it is to get ready for a vacation? First there's the work stuff; I need to make sure everything is wrapped up at work and all my results are updated.
Then there's the planning part. Do we have tickets for everything? What do we want to see while we are there? The mail needs to be stopped. Need to make sure the dog is packed up and ready to stay at my parents' house. Then there is the packing....
Packing is the worst for me. With a toddler we need to pack a lot of stuff. We need a carseat, a stroller, a booster seat (since we are renting a townhouse), and a place for him to sleep. This is in addition to clothing, beach stuff, toiletries, toys, snacks, etc. We need to pack it all so that we can get it from point A to point B. God forbid we forget anything. I mean it's not like we are going to the moon, we can buy stuff there but it is just overwhelming. I mean what if we forget Blue Blankie? Blue Blankie is essential to Keegan's happiness. What if we forget the pacifiers or medication or who knows what else?
Lyle tries to help with packing. In fact he is in charge of electronics (camera, DVD player, PSP, phone chargers etc). So he takes care of that. Unfortunately I take over the rest of it. Inevitably I am awake all night the night before we leave going over what is packed over and over and over in my head. And...inevitably we will get to San Diego and be unpacking and Lyle will say "Where is the ___, did you pack it?" and the answer will be no. I forgot flip-flops or a belt or socks or something else.
Then there is getting through security at the airport. Anyone who has taken a toddler through security is with me on this one. I have to take off my shoes, Keegan's shoes, my jacket, Keegan's jacket, put the infant tylenol into a ziploc baggy, make sure Keegan doesn't run off. While I do this Lyle lugs the carseat onto the xray machine and unpacks the laptop, the camera, and the PSP. We get to the front of the line. The carseat won't fit in this x-ray machine. We need to go to the other one over there. We pick up everything and waddle over to the next x-ray machine. I wonder how my body can carry everything it is carrying; I wonder what I am leaving behind....
Then we get on the airplane. Lyle runs on to install the carseat, while I try to run out Keegan's energy while keeping an ear out for the last call to board the plane. Then there is trying to explain to Keegan what we are doing, trying to distract him, feed him, keep him as happy as we can for 3.5 hours. Praying the whole time that their won't be a major toddler melt down.
All that is the worst of it. Everything *should* be okay once we get there. Then it will just be struggling to fit in regular naps and meals and keeping everyone well rested and happy.
Should a vacation be this stressful? Probably not. I kind of wig out about all of this stuff and I will try to calm down. But until we get there I know I will be packing everything in my mind to make sure I have it all right, I will be trying to second guess Keegan's airplane mood, I will be praying no one gets sick, and hoping that we don't get delayed.
So am I looking forward to vacation? Yes and no...I try to keep in mind that this is just another life adventure and that we should approach it with a sense of fun :-)
Okay let's back up for a second. Keegan turned 2 yrs old on Feb. 6th. We had the grandparents over for a little party. We decided not to do a bigger one because; well I have enough on my plate getting ready for our vacation and we really, really don't need anymore toys around the house. Also, Keegan really doesn't care right now and I bet in a couple years he really will care.
So back to the vacation. Anyone notice how stressful it is to get ready for a vacation? First there's the work stuff; I need to make sure everything is wrapped up at work and all my results are updated.
Then there's the planning part. Do we have tickets for everything? What do we want to see while we are there? The mail needs to be stopped. Need to make sure the dog is packed up and ready to stay at my parents' house. Then there is the packing....
Packing is the worst for me. With a toddler we need to pack a lot of stuff. We need a carseat, a stroller, a booster seat (since we are renting a townhouse), and a place for him to sleep. This is in addition to clothing, beach stuff, toiletries, toys, snacks, etc. We need to pack it all so that we can get it from point A to point B. God forbid we forget anything. I mean it's not like we are going to the moon, we can buy stuff there but it is just overwhelming. I mean what if we forget Blue Blankie? Blue Blankie is essential to Keegan's happiness. What if we forget the pacifiers or medication or who knows what else?
Lyle tries to help with packing. In fact he is in charge of electronics (camera, DVD player, PSP, phone chargers etc). So he takes care of that. Unfortunately I take over the rest of it. Inevitably I am awake all night the night before we leave going over what is packed over and over and over in my head. And...inevitably we will get to San Diego and be unpacking and Lyle will say "Where is the ___, did you pack it?" and the answer will be no. I forgot flip-flops or a belt or socks or something else.
Then there is getting through security at the airport. Anyone who has taken a toddler through security is with me on this one. I have to take off my shoes, Keegan's shoes, my jacket, Keegan's jacket, put the infant tylenol into a ziploc baggy, make sure Keegan doesn't run off. While I do this Lyle lugs the carseat onto the xray machine and unpacks the laptop, the camera, and the PSP. We get to the front of the line. The carseat won't fit in this x-ray machine. We need to go to the other one over there. We pick up everything and waddle over to the next x-ray machine. I wonder how my body can carry everything it is carrying; I wonder what I am leaving behind....
Then we get on the airplane. Lyle runs on to install the carseat, while I try to run out Keegan's energy while keeping an ear out for the last call to board the plane. Then there is trying to explain to Keegan what we are doing, trying to distract him, feed him, keep him as happy as we can for 3.5 hours. Praying the whole time that their won't be a major toddler melt down.
All that is the worst of it. Everything *should* be okay once we get there. Then it will just be struggling to fit in regular naps and meals and keeping everyone well rested and happy.
Should a vacation be this stressful? Probably not. I kind of wig out about all of this stuff and I will try to calm down. But until we get there I know I will be packing everything in my mind to make sure I have it all right, I will be trying to second guess Keegan's airplane mood, I will be praying no one gets sick, and hoping that we don't get delayed.
So am I looking forward to vacation? Yes and no...I try to keep in mind that this is just another life adventure and that we should approach it with a sense of fun :-)
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Hockey Obsessions Continued
So we were thinking that maybe this hockey thing would get old for Keegan. Apparently not, it is still his favorite pastime. We have been trying to take him out ice skating and play hockey indoors and out when we can. Apparently though we have failed him in the most important of hockey essentials...that of equipment.
A couple of weeks ago Keegan walked out of the Mudroom with his version of a hockey helmet.

Yes folks he has a dog muzzle on his head. I did not even know you could do that with a muzzle go figure he's so creative.
We also failed to provide him with hockey gloves. So daddy's gloves worked very well as a substitute.

Then there was another attempt to find the perfect hockey helmet to portray his outgoing and crazy personality. Take this Backstrom your helmet has nothing on our boy's.

Try as I might to fight my future as a hockey mom, with each passing month my fate grows more and more certain. Keegan loves shooting baskets, he loves kicking the soccer ball, he talks about how he loves his swimming lessons, but nothing...absolutely nothing is as cool as hockey. So, for his birthday, this Saturday we are taking him to another Gopher Women's Hockey game. Hey, if you can't win you mine as well have fun being sucked into the time void known as hockey. Keegan has been asking to ice skate all the time; so maybe skating lessons will be in order in another year we will see. Maybe we have the next Gretzky on our hands here...or maybe (I'll keep telling myself this) he will outgrow it :-)
A couple of weeks ago Keegan walked out of the Mudroom with his version of a hockey helmet.
Yes folks he has a dog muzzle on his head. I did not even know you could do that with a muzzle go figure he's so creative.
We also failed to provide him with hockey gloves. So daddy's gloves worked very well as a substitute.
Then there was another attempt to find the perfect hockey helmet to portray his outgoing and crazy personality. Take this Backstrom your helmet has nothing on our boy's.
Try as I might to fight my future as a hockey mom, with each passing month my fate grows more and more certain. Keegan loves shooting baskets, he loves kicking the soccer ball, he talks about how he loves his swimming lessons, but nothing...absolutely nothing is as cool as hockey. So, for his birthday, this Saturday we are taking him to another Gopher Women's Hockey game. Hey, if you can't win you mine as well have fun being sucked into the time void known as hockey. Keegan has been asking to ice skate all the time; so maybe skating lessons will be in order in another year we will see. Maybe we have the next Gretzky on our hands here...or maybe (I'll keep telling myself this) he will outgrow it :-)
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